Ok, maybe not right now, but sometime in the near future you definitely should visit Iceland. Why?

Because Iceland is stunning
We visited in winter, and even under a blanket of snow, the place was beautiful. In this arid landscape, where really not much could grow and expand, is a unique environment for all sorts of weird and wonderful natural wonders to explore.
And I think Iceland would be brilliant to visit right now as well, when the days are long and the highland moors turn into a rainbow of bright colours where the wild horses roam.
In summer, Iceland is a hiker’s paradise, with lots of walking trails lined with waterfalls. Not to mention volcanoes and glaciers that are accessible to climbers when the conditions are good. Think Lord of the Rings scenery without the CGI.
Yes it’s that good.

Because they believe in fairies and you can attend the Elf school
Just like the Irish, the Icelandic believe in fairies, and are respectful to elves. They are known to divert road projects because elves are believed to be living under rocks that block its path, and if you disturb the elves during construction projects, all hell break loose: the elves are suspected to be behind bulldozer breakdowns and a series of workmen’s accidents!
To know more about fairies and elves, you can always visit the Elf School in Reykjavik, to learn stuff like there are 13 types of elf, 4 kinds of gnome, 3 species of troll and 3 varieties of fairy. Hear the stories of those who claim to have had personal contact with the mystical creatures.

Because a part-time dentist led the national team into the Quarter-final of Euro 2016
Iceland is obviously a nation of determination. The players may not be well known, they may not play for the big bucks of teams in the English Premier League, they may not even play football full time (it’s a team led by a part-time dentist after all!) but they made it all the way to the quarter finals on their first major tournament at this year’s Euro Championships.
And even after being trashed by the French 5:2, they still returned home to a hero’s welcome. There’s a lot in that we can all learn from!

So, when are you visiting? :)
Share your thoughts below!