I have a collection of photos where I have found Australia everywhere – or rather, what everyone else thinks is Australian. Fosters for example, is now owned by the poms, and even before the company was sold, no one ever, EVER drank Fosters.
This is however, all stereotyping isn’t it? Have you also found references to your country while you travelled that made you laugh?

My favourite was the Outback Steak House in the US where they serve Bloomin’ Onions. An enormous onion is partially sliced through into wedges, battered and deep fried. You break off the wedges and eat them with dip in a restaurant filled with photos of prominent Australians – Olivia Newton-John and Mel Gibson mostly. I don’t know if the restaurant chain still exists but I’ve recently seen the Bloomin’ Onion slicer for sale in Sydney.
Amy McPherson
Don’t need to go to the US ;-) Here it is! http://outbacksteakhouse.com.au/index.php/foodandmenus