As a traveller I don’t believe in politics. I believe in humanity and friendship and I have been avoiding this topic for a long time, but it seems that it’s time to talk about terrorism.

News haven’t been pleasant recently. Humans are turning on each other, either on difference in opinion or on the belief that they are standing up for something without understanding exactly to what they are fighting for.
Sadly, many innocent lives have been lost, too many irrational opinions made, and suddenly, the world has turned into a horrible place. We are all now too scared to holiday, to go to the places we love, to meet new people, all because some lunatics think they have a cause to fight about.
Not to mention the travel journey through air and seaports have been made like hell.

Well, that’s what the media and those involved wants you to think anyway, but the truth is for most of us, life goes on.
Holiday makers are cancelling flights, trains and buses, , those of us who are passionate about the world, about the different cultures, traditions and its people, who have made so many friends along the way, knows that whatever these people are fighting for, they do not represent what they claim to represent.
The reality is, there will always be someone fighting for something in this world.
It is ISIL today, it was the Protestants and Catholics yesterday and it’ll be someone else tomorrow. For some people, they have to fight something, and create something to fight for, and that’s just how it is. And the idea of terrorism? Well, we’ve always had it, just haven’t got to label it until the modern days.
So to be honest, I am just going to keep on travelling. Because they can’t stop me wanting to be friends to the world, and have fun.

As a traveller, I believe in harmony. I believe that we are capable of living peaceful among each other of different race, religion and interests.
In fact it’s the differences in us that made me so in love with the world in the first place!
Sure, there will be people that want to ruin it for all of us – extremists of any kind, and politicians too – I believe that humanity at large are good and kind. We will grieve for the souls lost needlessly, but life goes on.

And no, terrorism will not stop me from wanting to explore the world, from loving it, from wanting to embrace it and extending my friendship to those I meet along the way. No matter what, I will be a friend to this world.
And I know, I am not the only traveller that feels this way.
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