Preparations are under way for this year’s Asian Women Empowerment Conference (AWEConnect 2016), an initiative started by Juno Kim of RunAwayJuno to share and connect with women on work, life and everything in between.
I have known Juno virtually for a long time and I had attended the first ever AWE in Kuala Lumpur back in 2013. Those who know me have asked why I bothered to go in the first place, I obviously didn’t need the encouragement to fulfill my dreams, and didn’t need any more self-confidence than I already possess….
You know what? I learned so much by being with like-minded, strong willed women on that weekend and I remember feeling even more inspired to be who I am, and continue with my quest of creating a long term vision for myself as a writer.

READ MORE: Take Aways from Asian Women Empowerment Conference
So when Juno asked if I would like to be part of the conference this year, to be part of the inspiration for many other women out there, I didn’t need to be convinced to say yes.
To speak at the conference means I can share some of my experiences with those who are inspired to do the same. To tell someone that it is ok to dream big. And for me personally, to be the testimony that it is possible to have a career as well as to follow your dream at the same time!

There is a fantastic line up of speakers this year, including those who have created that location independent lifestyle for themselves, as well as those who are gurus are a more simple and healthier lifestyle.
Use this code to get $10 off registration price: AWEAMYMC
You’ll hear from Lydia Lee, who runs a successful business behind Screw The Cubicle (I am really excited about this, her excellent YouTube tutorials are highly inspirational), also our good friend Kavitha Subramaniam, a freelance yoga teacher, will give us three of her yoga series for a taste of the yoga journey. Many more topics such as building your digital brand, expressing yourself through multi-media and personal development are all in the program!
However, while there is a focus on entrepreneurship and owning your own business, there are going to be content for those of us who does have a successful career in a corporate based job – and that is nothing to be awkward about! In fact, in today’s world, women are still under represented in many of the career fields that being successful in corporate is an achievement to be proud of!
So, I will be speaking as part of a panel of career women to talk about our corporate careers. We will talk about what makes it harder for women to succeed in corporate, how to work in a 9-5 job and still be able to pursue a side career, and how to maximise your holiday time to still travel the world.
And the best thing about this year’s conference? It’s virtual. You can attend from anywhere and will have access to pre-recorded sessions for an entire year.
Come be inspired! Use this code to get $10 off registration price: AWEAMYMC
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